How are Health E Charity (HEC) team member fundraising funds utilized?
Each team member can elect to use funds to cover their own travel and/or accommodations, or their whole portion of fundraised funds on team expenses (e.g travel, food, lodging). If the team member chooses, funds can also cover medications and medical supplies to be used in the mission. We ask every team member to share their story with friends and family who can support them.
How much of the funds raised at a fundraising event is going towards the mission?
A portion of the funds raised goes towards the expense of the fundraising event (e.g., catering, tables and chairs). The remainder of the funds goes directly towards mission supplies (e.g medications and supplies) and mission related events; This includes food on the mission, a social outing during the mission for team-building, and a wrap-up meeting after the mission for the mission team members. Importantly, NONE OF THE HEALTH-E-CHARITY VOLUNTEERS ARE PAID ANY SALARY for working the fundraising events, attending the mission, or any other work related to the mission.
How much of the funds is going towards Bodhi?
The Bodhi implementation is a collaboration with Health-e-MedRecord, a for-profit health information technology company and its partners, which also include Thrive entities, consisting of for-profit and not-for-profit collaboration focused on international support of communities throughout the world. None of the funds used for the mission is used for Bodhi, except for set-up of Wifi to get the internet established and access Bodhi. Bodhi is offered for FREE to the community by Health-e-MedRecord. The communities that receive access to Bodhi pay no fees.
How are extra funds left over from HEC fundraising events and activities?
The Health-e-Charity Board and the current team decide how to use the extra funds that are not utilized on the mission trip. Any remaining funds (historically 5%) may be reserved for launching the next mission. Importantly, ALL OF THE FUNDS IS USED FOR MISSION WORK, and historically, over 90% of the funds collected have been used for the present mission.